● Artists: Pei-Ying Lin, Rie Toguchi, Clara Pereda
● Curator: SHIH Ya Tien
● Design: Wan Chun Huang
● Date: 2018.08.07 – 2019.08.08
● Durational performance 7th August
● Venue: Chisenhale Studios
● Photo: Rie Toguchi
● Sponsor: Goldsmiths, University of London, Chisenhale Studios
When They Flow is an exhibition that investigates a fluid dialogue, transcending language barriers between humans and nature. Through different practices, such as role playing, listening, ritual praying, dancing, the three artworks created by Pei-Ying Lin, Rie Toguchi, and Clara Pereda, explore a new balance between humans, nature, and even culture. Pei- Ying’s role-play board game design will be installed in the garden, while Clara’s interactive performance will be taking place in the Victoria park. Works of Rie Toguchi, on the other hand, will be installed in the studio, presenting an immersive landscape.