Independent Curator|Writer

施雅恬是⼀位現居台北的獨⽴策展⼈與藝⽂編輯。她的策展研究著重於現地創作的概念,把外在環 境與展⽰空間的交互關係帶進實踐中。她也擅長透過集合藝術家和公眾,進⾏多⽅的對話與共同創作,旨在實驗著策展如何成為⼀個機制、⼀個介詞、⼀個平台,帶進更多藝術、⽂化與⾃然環境議 題的討論。

她畢業於倫敦⼤學⾦史密斯學院策展研究所以及國⽴清華⼤學中國⽂學系,⼯作流動在藝⽂機構、 媒體與藝術家之間,策展計畫常以展覽/⼯作坊/網站/出版/廣播等實驗性的媒體形式發表。近期合作策劃/執⾏計畫包含:國藝會「聲⾳與書寫」研究計畫、寶藏巖⽂史常設展《迴盪之聲》、 臺灣x拉丁美洲交流計畫《邊境的遊戲》、⽴⽅計畫空間話⿎電台《竊聽風雲》等。在藝⽂書寫⽅⾯,她⾃2017年起便發表⽂字於國內外⼤⼩媒體平台。例如在國內《藝術收藏+設 計》雜誌、《cacao 可⼜雜誌》、《新⽵⽣活⽉刊》、⾺來西亞與英國《SOL聲活圈》、與挪威MOMENTUM 第12屆雙年展圖錄等刊物上,都可以⾒到她⽂字的蹤跡。 

Shih Ya Tien is an independent curator, writer, and editor based in Taipei. She is interested in exploring the interconnected relationship between the external environment and exhibition space within her curatorial practice. Through facilitating round-table discussions with artists or the public, she aims to examine how curating, as a mechanism, proposition, or platform, can contribute to discourse across the fields of culture, art, and the environment issues.

She holds an MFA degree in Curating from Goldsmiths, University of London and a BA degree in Chinese Literature from National Tsing Hua University. She works between art institutions, artist studios, and journalism companies, presenting projects in various mediums internationally. Her recent granted curatorial project includes: Sonic Writing Research Project ”Put’em in a Box”(2023-), Treasure Hill History and Culture Permanent Exhibition“Resonating Sound”(2021), Latin America X Taiwan Exchange Program“A Game between Borders”(2021), TheCube Project Space“Eavesdropping on the Wind and Cloud” Broadcast(2020).